October 13, 2007

The Deal With Faction Quests

Catherine Firemane is a new member of our community that's stirring up some controversy with his (relatively) well thought out responses and participation on the forums. He recently asked a question and raised some issues with the LK/CK and Patron quests, focusing on why they were so different. OneEye responded to these issues.

OneEye posted in Task Masters:
Catherine, 2 and 3 of your points are as designed. Point 3 for example allows for lower levels to complete these quests with the same effort as higher levels and get rewarded with nice items. Most of the very early faction quest items are in fact intended for lower levels.

You are new so you don't know that AE players gravitate onto certain pet issues while ignoring all of the things that have been added or fixed. There were no taskmasters at all until earlier this year for example.

That certainly explains why the early items seem so powerless and perhaps why there are so few people actively taking a part in these quests. I think The Freshest Diva, though, sums up this latter point well, though:

The Freshest Diva said in Patron / LK quests - fix please:
You can't cancel patrons at all, even if you get something that is impossible, and you can and will.

For those of you saying it should be this impossible, have you seen the set? It's for collectors. It's not for use. Just a bunch of decorational pieces to wear in pride of your home city, perhaps in parades or events. It's not as if it will give your character any increase of power or wealth whatsoever.

Interesting how such a thing is one of the hardest things in the game to obtain.

It'd be nice if these items were a little better for the effort it takes to acquire them all. I'm up to something like 160 quests done and I'm only up to the +5orb helmet.

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