July 23, 2007

Free Weekend! Woot!

Oh yes! What's better than free? You can't beat free.

FujiQ posted on the Ashen Empires Website:
The update and patch last week were quite time consuming. We'd like to make that up to our community and thank you all for your patience with a free weekend!

Here's how it will work: If you're already a subscriber, we'll add three days to your subscription free of charge. Subscribers will receive their 3 free days on Friday at 2pm CDT. These days will be tacked onto the current subscription balance.

Non subscribers will see their subscription start on Friday, July 27 at 2pm CDT and last until Monday, July 30 at 2pm CDT. To see what benefits you receive as a subscriber, please see the section under subscriptions on the Item List page.


So if you're a new player just starting out or a returning player looking to go hunt with old friends, this is the weekend to do it! FREE! YEAH, BABY!

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