May 15, 2007

Reporters and Housing Winners

Hello there.

As with any first post, there isn't a whole lot of information to start with. That is, unless what you're blogging about happens when you create the blog. Unfortunately, that's not the case right now, though I've got a couple of things to share with you.

Generally, this blog will try to document one of two types of things: Things the devs are saying now and things the devs said in the past. One is harder than the other...I'll let you guess which one ;) You can generally find out which one it is by looking at the label. I'll have one for archived stuff and another for current stuff. If you want to help me keep up, by all means, do so.

Going to start with the in-game news reporter feature currently going on right now. OneEye's started a search for a player to report just what's going on in game. He's even sweetened the deal with a bit of incentive:

From Job Opening - In-Game News Reporter:
Want to play AE for free? All you need to do is write a column at least once a week that highlights what has been happening in the community. Examples of stories of interest would be who won the various contests, what bosses were killed, who leveled up, where a hot spawn is. A new item that dropped, etc.

Send a sample story to with the following title:

[Reporter] Server Name - Character Name

The best entry on each server will be made the official AE News Reporter and will be able to sumbit stories to the official news page. A free subscription will be provided as long as the player continues with his/her reporting duties.

I haven't thrown my hat into the ring for one simple reason--I'm not good with keeping up with the players on the H server. I try (sometimes), but to be honest, there are just some places I can't stand. That alone makes me a bad choice for this gig, even if it would mean a free account for life.

Also, a couple of winners have been announced in the house contest.

From: Best House Contest - Winners!
We are declaring Still Da Mom, the winner of the Best House Contest!


Still Da Mom receives a free month of Ashen Empires.

Because was such a close vote, we are also giving Sybil and Siabhra a free month as well.

Thanks to everyone who participated and who voted. All the houses were cool and very well thought out!

Way to go to the winners who managed to make their houses look nice while functional. Though I do have to think about how they manage to eat or sleep, let alone stretch, in those places.

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