Volunteer Profiles Released
Have you ever wondered what they look for when they hire a new GM? What about VWC? Or forum mods? Well, now those questions have been answered.GM Rauric posted in Ashen Empires Job Profiles are now live!:
What I think is really of particular interest is the Quality Assurance position. After reading it, I'm under the impression that this goes above and beyond what has traditionally been termed as "QA"--namely that in the past, players simply tested and reported bugs during major expansions. Now it seems that IWG is actively interested in recruiting people to look directly at the bugs they get. This could be potentially dangerous. Let's hope the selection process is tight-fisted.
Today we take another step towards transparency by publishing both the profile for every volunteer position available as well as the selection process involved. It is our hope that this answers some of your questions and perhaps even awakens some curiosity in our ever increasing community volunteer force.
The profiles can be downloaded as .pdf here:
A big thanks to GM Siyone for compiling this information for our knowledge database.
As usual, please feel free to discuss, give feedback and ask any questions that still remain on the Community Blackboard.
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