June 25, 2007

No more server restarts!

A little joy for those who hate the server restarts.

GM FujiQ posted in About Lag (updated):

We have found a better fix for the lag so there will be no need for server resets every Monday as previously announced. We are still monitoring the servers to make sure that everything is running smoothly.

Please keep in mind that lag is not always a problem coming from our side. Some players may find that their lag is much worse than other players. More information about lag and what causes it to differ can be found here.

You have to appreciate the link to the Blues News guide to lag. If you're like me, you'll stop after that point where it lists what kind of connection you can expect based on your ping. Though without a way to get your ping to the server (the servers eat ping requests, after all), the only way to get a decent idea would be to use a route tracer like Ping Plotter or pathping.

So here's the real question. Is this something the DEVs can hotfix or will we have to wait for the update to come? Or, is it something that is half and half? Is it even that "Golden egg" solution to end all lag? ;) Don't hold your breath, folks. But any improvement in lag will definitely make playing a lot easier to deal with.

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